ELPIDA: Welcome to our first blog post!
IZA: We’re glad you stopped by. Very very excited to finally get this going after how long?
ELPIDA: Like a year now? Over a year now? Right? In the talks for about a year. So this is good. We’re making steps and this will be our first post. We are really excited.
IZA: It’s all about *cue sultry voice* progress *wink*
ELPIDA: Alright well, we just wanted to introduce ourselves a little bit and give you the 411.
IZA: Yes, HELLO. My name is Iza, and you are?
ELPIDA: I’m Elpida
IZA: Nice to meet you.
ELPIDA: We’re both virgos, you know September babies. Dandy. Organized. Obsessive.
IZA: Type A.
IZA: Perfectionists.
IZA: The worst, our worst nightmare.
ELPIDA: What else are we?
IZA: We’re both singers. I’d like to think- well.. On a good day…
Both: *Anxious laughter*
IZA: We are recent graduates
ELPIDA: We both graduated with a degree in music. We both have beagles.
Well, mine’s a beagle mutt, but yeah we both like dogs!
IZA: Huge animal lovers here.
ELPIDA: This is actually a dog post. This is actually a dog blog.
IZA: What else can we tell them? We are bloggers now!
ELPIDA: Officially
IZA: Welcome again.
ELPIDA: Thanks for tuning in. Currently we’re talking into a microphone because we thought it would be cool to have this very conversational. So, let’s talk about our aesthetic. Iza?
IZA: Our aesthetic? Well we are working through our quarter life crisis. That’s the aesthetic.
ELPIDA: That really is! I’m going to write that down. *Cackling occurs*
IZA: Take notes everyone.
ELPIDA: So, yeah, our aesthetic is a quarter life crisis, since we just recently graduated. Recently, we’ve been talking about needing to learn to follow our gut more often, rather than doing what other people think is best for you. The person who knows what’s best for “us” is, US. Though, it is good to hear those other opinions sometimes. Especially from those who have the experience and have lived through everything “you” might be preparing for. This blog is going to be very interesting to put together, especially since we are in such a grey area of our lives. I feel like a lot of other people go through this grey area too, even if they don’t often show it. As virgos we also love our details so we are going to plan the shit out of shit… I don’t know if I want to say it like that?
IZA: Yeah, I think that’s a great way to put it…How do we feel about expletives on the blog?
ELPIDA: I want to use them, but I don’t think we need to use them a lot. I want to be real, but I don’t want to be inappropriate.
IZA: I guess until we start getting hate mail, haha.
ELPIDA: Well IF YOU ARE READING THIS, let us know what you think about expletives… on ..blogs. *laughter*
IZA: So what is going on in your life right now? What are you really passionate about?
ELPIDA: Good question. Currently. I am trying to find the motivation- *both laugh*
I know. You go through five years of school where you are literally sleeping four or five hours and you get so used to it. You’re used to the workload, the crazy schedule, all the extra curriculars, so much. So NOW, when it’s over you might not know what to do with yourself. I’m currently struggling with how to push myself toward my goals without those reinforcers and deadlines. I have a lot of things I want to do. I want to go back and read all my textbooks and figure out what notes I can retake from books and classes that I definitely didn’t pay enough attention to while I was IN school. I’m definitely trying to get ready for graduate school applications which requires a lot of research, money, planning, and visiting. But, yeah, passions right now revolve around finding the motivation. Just going back to this blog, I’m very excited to use the blog to discuss how to deal with the grey areas, go through them with us, we have no idea what we’re doing, we’re just doing it to figure things out along the way. Iza? Your passions and what’s going on in your life right now?
IZA: Passions right now include also trying to figure my life out. I can’t say that’s a passion. That’s more of a hurdle. I’m passionate about figuring my body out. You go through five years of school and you eat a lot of shit and you don’t take care of yourself. From just working your body until you don’t know your limits, or can’t anymore. Honestly we both did that. I am excited to have time again to figure out what’s going on in my life and best take care of my temple, because as singers that’s also our instrument. I like to take holistic approaches to things, typically. I know Elpida is also similar to me in that way. We’re big do-it-yourself kind of girls.
ELPIDA: OR find what do we already have, and make it work. *Laughs*
IZA:. We are both struggling, not only with what to do post-graduation, but just feeling like we need to find another creative outlet that isn’t singing or performing. While that’s something we love, it kind of becomes something of a labor of love.
ELPIDA: You never want that.
IZA: You never want it to consume you or let it become your whole identity.
ELPIDA: I think that by the end of school we felt that we really were nothing without our music.
IZA: I mean a big reason why we took this time off was for us to reevaluate why we want to do what we want to do and if we really want to do this. Creating this blog was definitely a creative outlet that we needed to fill, because music just doesn’t always do it anymore.
ELPIDA: I think it just really tired us out, and we are both pretty artistic and –
IZA: we are talented in other ways that we haven’t been able to explore because we’ve been putting all of our attention and focus into one thing.
ELPIDA: I think this is a great way to use all that artistic –
Both: Energy
IZA: So, we’re thinking this is going to be a lifestyle blog. All of this is subject to change??
ELPIDA: *Both break out laughing* Which is so funny because we don’t know what we’re doing with our lives.
IZA: So we are probably going to be focusing on fun things we do, *Elpida nods* and some not fun things we do? *Elpida nods vigorously*
ELPIDA: Yeah, how do we take these weird feelings, these grey area feelings and turn them into a positive? How do we push forward from places we want to grow out of?
IZA: Or that we can’t get out of? Or that we feel like we can’t get out of?
ELPIDA: Anything else?
IZA: I think that’s good. You’ll get to know us. We’re big foodies. We love food. We are very open to.. Trying food, to loving food, to making food….
ELPIDA: to buying food, to eating food.
IZA: If you’re reading this and you own a restaurant… I would love to just visit, get to know each other. 😉
ELPIDA: Or come in and eat, taste test anything you have *Laughs* We’ll even pay as long as it’s not thousands and thousands of dollars.
IZA: I don’t know; I’ll go to some pretty extreme lengths to get some good food.
ELPIDA: I understand that. But we can’t do money right now * Laughs*
IZA: Yeah you’re right, we’ll talk about saving money too.
ELPIDA: Making money.
IZA: How we struggle with that. Budgeting!
ELPIDA: So I think we hit on a lot here. I think in general we are very open people. I hope others would agree that we are not the judgemental type. You have grey areas between big life decisions and little life decisions, and that’s where we are going to try and lay our heads.
IZA: I would agree. I think we are going to try to keep that consistent with our blog and really use this opportunity to get creative juices flowing, let loose, have fun, but also be serious. I think it’ll be good to air the hard things out, and create a dialogue and a space for other people. Soooo, Feel free to comment and start a conversation with us. We want to have meaningful conversations, hopefully inspire people, have other people inspire us because really this is all about community and creativity.
ELPIDA: And support and exploration. We are also trying to figure it out, so lets do it together. Let’s hold hands.
IZA: So… I think that concludes that. Thanks for tuning in.
IZA: Yeah! And just as a first plug, follow us on instagram @honestomens. We have a pinterest that we’re working on right now. Sign up for our email list…
ELPIDA: Subscribe!
*Both Laugh*
ELPIDA: I just keep thinking about..
IZA: Youtube
ELPIDA: It would be great to hear about you all…
IZA: …to create some friendships and community
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