Want to get to know us? We answered 21 questions.
Yup. Just like old times.
Podcasts you’re listening to?
Iza: Currently getting into a new Dolly Parton podcast called “Dolly Parton’s America.” Avid listener of “Opera After Dark”, Jonathan Van Ness’ “Getting Curious”, and New York Times’ “The Daily.”
Elpida: I tend to be a nerd, so the “Potterless” podcast by Mike Schubert, “The Adventure Zone” by the McElroy boys (or men I guess), and “Often Ambitious” by two women, Erika and Lindsey. I also like “The Health Code” which is run by a favorite YouTuber of mine, Sarah Stevenson.
Pet Peeves?
I: An uncleaned mess, feet on the dashboard, gas-lighters, mansplaining
E: If things aren’t done when I ask them to be & long and wordy explanations that go nowhere
Go-to Starbucks order?
I: Mango Dragon Fruit Lemonade, no coffee for me because caffeine makes me sick (even though I love it!). 🙁
E: Depends on the season. I really like a nice ristretto, almond milk latte with some caramel drizzle. I also work there sooooo…. I MAKE MY OWN RULES!
One thing on your bucket list?
I: Become pentalingual!
E: I want to travel the world. More specifically, I would love to immerse myself in other cultures for long periods of time and learn their languages.
Ideal way to spend the weekend off?
I: *Good Food All Weekend*
Day 1: Traveling to a fun city, bargain shopping, seeing a show, spending a night out on the town.
Day 2: Sleeping in with my beagle, going on a mid-afternoon hike with a view, a game night with besties (with a killer cheese board spread), a bonfire and s’mores.
E: So, if the weather is how I like it (sunny and bright and warm) then I would absolutely run to the beach. An entire weekend with my toes in the sand and swimming in the ocean with some friends and my boyfriend sounds incredible.
One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I: I have such a small bladder, going on a roadtrip with me is a nightmare.
E: Honestly, there’s a good amount, but if I have to pick one it would be my reaction mentality. I think sometimes I overreact. While I usually “fix” it later, I want to be able to change in the moment.
What makes your day better?
I: Spontaneity and good people.
E: My Dog! My Boyfriend! MY FRIENDS! Literally anyone or anything that can get me out of the house.
Must have accessory?
I: Some BIG earrings. Ask me if I’m okay if you see me and I’m not wearing any!
E: My scrunchie. I’m so happy they made a comeback because now there are so many options for me to wear!
What do you put on when you can’t think of anything to play?
I: Hmmm so many. Anything Spanish Pop/Reggaeton, Hozier, Ella Fitzgerald, Alabama Shakes, Lizzo, Cecilia Bartoli, Panic! at the Disco…the list goes on…
E: A go-to would have to be Ariana Grande. Her Sweetener and Thank You, Next albums were amazing. If I’m feeling nostalgic though, I tend to lean towards OG Mumford and Sons.
Favorite gift you ever received?
I: My baby boo and light of my life, my 14 year old beagle boy
E: Cheesy but I’d have to say my ability to sing from my grandparents. It’s honestly one thing I love about myself.
Biggest fear?
I: Fear of Failure/Not living up to my potential
E: That I won’t have a passion for anything and be burnt out forever. After school ended, I was lucky to have three months off. I needed a break and just wanted to sleep. But it was honestly a bit too long, and it scared me to think I was losing my love for music and learning, even though my mental and physical health needed rest.
Comfort food?
E: PASTA! Al dente, saucey, with lots of parmesan.
Favorite book?
I: The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
E: My first favorite book was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. My favorite go-to book is Strange Sweet Song by Adi Rule.
Time waster app?
I: Instagram
E: Currently, its Instagram. I end up watching so many beauty videos and Instagram TV stories that I lose track of time.
Favorite place to relax?
I: The Beach/A Hike
E: I love a nice day that ends up being spent in a hammock outside. Otherwise my bed will do just fine.
Early bird or night owl?
I: Night Owl 100%, another thing I wish I could change about myself!
E: A little of both, but I prefer morning me over night time me. Night time me is a little crazy from all the day’s work and stress.
Favorite board game?
I: Telestrations after Dark, SOOO fun!!
E: CLUE! I recently had the chance to play and I forgot how fun it was. I also really like card games like Werewolf.
What kind of learner?
I: Visual
E: I am definitely a visual learner. I need to see it to believe it, HAH!
Favorite meme?
I: Disaster Girl or This is Fine
E: The spongebob one where he says thINgs LiKE thIS.
What store could you spend the most money in?
I: DSW or Lush
E: If you asked me two months ago, I would say PacSun. Now, I would say Aritzia.
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
I: Breakfast, but I’m so not an early bird so can I say brunch??
E: Breakfast. Although I could eat anything for breakfast. Like pasta for breakfast? OMG. But really, anything with eggs, or eggs benedict.
BONUS!!! What are you Sun, Moon, and Rising signs?
I: Sun: Virgo
Moon: Capricorn
Rising: Aquarius
E: Sun: Virgo
Moon: Taurus
Rising: Capricorn